Facebook India runs according to RSS (Brahmin Terrorist Organisation)!


Screenshot_2016-01-24-11-59-57Today, once again staff at Facebook India office proved that they are also Brahmins! Sanghis have occupied every space. Facebook India removed my post named ‘Welcome to Brahmin India’ and removed the same post from my Facebook page ‘Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Caravan’, claiming these don’t follow Facebook Community Standards! Wow! What standards, Facebook India is claiming? What happens to those standards when Sanghi leaders name Dalits as Dogs and Muslims as Terrorist or Dalits as Terrorist Sympathizers? I can still see 1000s of posts against reservation and calling minority communities with all sorts of names. Where are Facebook Community Standards, Sanghis?

Facebook India is asking me remove anything that is against Brahmin lords from my facebook page – ‘Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Caravan’!

To stop Dalits expressing their views, Facebook Sanghis are you gonna write letters to Brahmin leaders that Facebook has become a den of anti-national and casteist activities? So much pressure on Facebook India Sanghis to quickly delete any post that is against their Brahmin lords! I must acknowledge that Facebook Sanghis are doing a great job on that – keeping Facebook clean of any post that is against their Brahmin lords so that not many Dalits, Muslims or other minority communities get to know the real face of Brahmin lords!

Read also:  Dalit History Month - Remembering Madhu Bai Kinnar


So much so on the name of Freedom of Speech and claims that Arab Spring showed the power of Facebook. In reality, Dear Facebook Sanghis if you have problem with any point in ‘Welcome to Brahmin India’ post, then why don’t you search on Facebook and you will find the answers whether Dalits are not labeled as Terrorist Sympathizers or hasn’t founder of terrorist organisation, RSS, written that wherever Christians have gone they have proved to be ‘Blood Suckers’. If Facebook Sanghis think my posts are anti-national or inciting hatred then why not they go to court and sue me? Babasaheb have given enough legal provision to everyone, including Sanghis, no matter Sanghis follow those legal provisions or not but they are there for Sanghis also.

Where is the spirit of open discussion and debate in Facebook India Community Standards or it just follows rules set out by leaders sitting at Nagpur? Read your books properly before deleting any message, it shows how much you care about Freedom of Speech! Shame on you Facebook India Sanghis.

Read also:  Support English Summer Camp for Roma Students of Dr Ambedkar High School, Hungary

Here is the ‘Welcome to Brahmin India’ post that Facebook deleted.


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    Amol Nirmala Waman

    This is a virtual caste system playing discriminatory role in online media.

    Include Google too in this. Google India (and global) team publishes doodles of worthless people and events and ‘purposely’ denied Dr. Ambedkar, Buddha, Jotirao Phule, Savitribai Phule, Periyar and so many noble personalities from Ambedkarite Buddhist movement, anti-human Manusmruti burning, Chavdar Lake revolution, 1956’s peaceful revolution by taking DhammaDeeksha @ Nagpur, 1 January 1818’s victory, Jhalkari Bai’s bravery, First ever girls school start by Jotirao-Savitribai Phule, Anand Bansode’s Mt. Everest and other countries top peaks climbing… so many events which changed the history…

    Well you know the reason, some casteist mindsets are holding google operations.

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