[Video] Dr. Ambedkar burnt Manusmriti (Book of Inequality) in 1927


This is a short clip from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Movie.

Read also – 25th December – Manusmruti Dahan (Burning of Manusmruti )

Manusmruti is the mythological book of Hindus where rule of life has been written. Hindus used to follow the rule of Manusmruti, it was nothing but a bloody theory written by orthodox to keep Dalits away from their rights and allow hindus to exploit them. Manusmruti was a Devil thought of Hindus.

So another satyagraha was organized at Mahad later on the same year on December 25-26, 1927, thousands of Dalits publicly burnt copies of the Manusmruti, the hated ancient symbol of Brahminical caste and gender oppression. The leader of this revolutionary movement was Dr B R Ambedkar, and it was with these two movements that Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar emerged as Leader of Dalits.

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  1. 1
    janak makwana

    Babasaheb made a right move which every human being should follow, as Manusmriti is against human and humanity. So the we must commemorate the event in its right spirit……..

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