PM Modi speaks a lot about Babasaheb but will he burn Manusmriti?


BJP, Congress and RSS all are trying hard to show that Dr. Ambedkar was one of them. After coming to power in 2014, BJP’s prime minister Mr. Modi has been talking a lot about Dr. Ambedkar and making Dalits fool, taking credit for buying Dr. Ambedkar’s house in London, observing 26th November as Constitution day etc. Though we all know that all this is done to get Dalit votes and for vote bank politics. In reality Dalits in BJP government are suffering from Nepal earthquake to Tamil Nadu floods, Dalits have been ignored.


We demand and question Mr. Modi’s sincerity towards following Babasaheb Ambedkar‘s ideas. Will Mr. PM Modi, follow Babasaheb’s footsteps and burn Manusmriti on 25th December as Babasaheb Ambedkar did on 25th December 1927. Everyone knows the answer that Mr. Modi won’t burn Manusmriti so stop fooling Dalits and start working on the footsteps of Babasaheb.

Read also:  What Does Babasaheb Ambedkar Mean To You?

Dr Ambedkar was against Manusmriti as it discriminates against fellow human beings. Manusmriti gives all kinds of comforts to the Brahmins, in order for them to commit all sorts of atrocities on the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, and, in turn justifies their evil designs. Ambedkar alleged that the caste system, founded on Varnashrama Dharma, is the negation of social justice. Being a great supporter of women’s liberation, Dr. Ambedkar also blamed the Varna system for their subjugation. He also alleged Manusmriti as solely responsible for the downfall of Hindu women.  In wake of the social justice and equality, Dr Ambedkar publicly burned the copies of Manusmriti on December 25, 1927 as a symbol of rejection of the religious basis of untouchability during the Maha Sangharsha of Mahad Satyagraha. [Source –]

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