49% of children out of school are SC/STs and 25% are Muslims.


Did you know?

49% of children out of school are SC/STs and 25% are Muslims.

It is really shameful that even after the laws such as Right to Education, nothing has changed for Dalits.

Why Governments are not implementing Right to Education properly? Instead of playing the blame game and blaming the previous government for not doing this that, authorities must take urgent steps to not only to enroll poor children in schools, but also ensure that they continue to attend classes so that the country will have a brighter future.


Says Chakravarthy An on facebook page

School dropouts are mainly because of the inhumane attitude & discrimination of Dalit students by the upper caste teachers. Poor students are unwilling to attend the schools to avoid humiliation as they’re not left with any options
Some students (mostly lower castes) are forced to clean toilets & cooking utensils & aren’t allowed to sit in the front row. It’s happening everywhere, I’ve seen it in the documentary India Untouched, the most comprehensive study on the untouchables in India.

Read also:  Caste Discrimination in Jobs at Private Sector. What is the caste of your company?

Source – TOI

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