Why I Hate Vivekananda – 16 Castiest Quotes of Vivekananda

Hindutva organizations are promoting Vivekananda as a youth icon, here are a few quotes from Mr. Vivekanada which shows his casteist mindset. Text in bold are statements from Mr. Vivekananda and references are at the end of the article. Read it in Hindi from विवेकानंद की जातिवादी मानसिकता का प्रदर्शन करते है कुछ कथन

1) I do not propose any leveling of castes. Caste is a very good thing. Caste is the plan we want to follow.

2) The plan in India is to make everybody a Brahmin, the Brahmin being the ideal of humanity.


3) Indian caste is better than the caste which prevails in Europe or America.

→ Which caste system prevails in Europe or America Mr. Vivekananda? Here he glorifies caste system in India!

4) Where would you be if there were no caste? Where would be your learning and other things, if there were no caste? There would be nothing left for the Europeans to study if caste had never existed!

→ We would have been better off without caste, our situations would have been better. What learning so called caste system gave to Dalits? Caste system taught only discrimination.

→ Yeah, you guys invented caste system so that Europeans have something to study because poor Europeans didn’t have anything to study!

5) Caste should not go; but should only be readjusted occasionally. Within the old structure is to be found life enough for the building of two hundred thousand new ones. It is sheer nonsense to desire the abolition of caste.

6) Brainy Vivekananda suggested to lower castes that are fighting and writing against higher castes is of no use, learn Sanskrit and you problems will be solved! Such a brainy was our Swami!

7) The Brahminhood is the ideal of humanity in India, as wonderfully put forward by Shankaracharya at the beginning of his commentary on the Gitâ, where he speaks about the reason for Krishna’s coming as a preacher for the preservation of Brahminhood, of Brahminness.

→  Dr. Ambedkar was against Brahminhood and Brahminism, which is a mentality of people that makes them to suppress and discriminate. Vivekananda supported Brahminism.

8) This Brahmin, the man of God, he who has known Brahman, the ideal man, the perfect man, must remain; he must not go.

–> Yes, Vivekananda is against anyone fighting casteism, because fighting casteism is fighting against Brahmins, who are, of course, according to him, Gods on earth.

9) This Brahmin, the man of God, he who has known Brahman, the ideal man, the perfect man, must remain; he must not go. And with all the defects of the caste now, we know that we must all be ready to give to the Brahmins this credit, that from them have come more men with real Brahminness in them than from all the other castes. That is true. That is the credit due to them from all the other castes.

Read also:  Qualification of Priests at Temples - Brahmins, Fat Tummies & Capacity to Eat 100s of Halwa-Puri?

–> Yes, Vivekananda is against anyone fighting casteism, because fighting casteism is fighting against Brahmins, who are, of course, according to him, Gods on earth.

10) In India, even the lowest caste never does any hard work. They generally have an easy lot compared to the same class in other nations; and as to ploughing, they never do it.

–> Dalits and Shudras, in Vivekananda’s opinion, do no work. The fields plough themselves, by magic! And only hard work is done by Brahmins sitting in A.C. Temples and earning millions, sitting in A.C. is very tough work!

11) Why is India not a superpower? Of course, because we “abolished caste”:

“Then what was the cause of India’s downfall? — The giving up of this idea of caste. As Gitâ says, with the extinction of caste the world will be destroyed. Now does it seem true that with the stoppage of these variations the world will be destroyed…Therefore what I have to tell you, my countrymen, is this: that India fell because you prevented and abolished caste… Let Jati have its sway; break down every barrier in the way of caste, and we shall rise.”

12) So what is the basis of the Indian’s social order? It is the caste law. I am born for the caste, I live for the caste. I do not mean myself, because, having joined an Order, we are outside. I mean those that live in civil society. Born in the caste, the whole life must be lived according to caste regulation.

13) Now look at Europe. When it succeeded in giving free scope to caste and took away most of the barriers that stood in the way of individuals, each developing his caste — Europe rose. In America, there is the best scope for caste (real Jati) to develop, and so the people are great.

–> Here Mr. Vivekananda again glorifies the caste system! First thing first, Mr. Vivekananda, there was/is no caste in western societies.  

14) “As Manu says, all these privileges and honours are given to the Brahmin, because “with him is the treasury of virtue”. He must open that treasury and distribute its valuables to the world. It is true that he was the earliest preacher to the Indian races, he was the first to renounce everything in order to attain to the higher realisation of life before others could reach to the idea. It was not his fault that he marched ahead of the other caste. Why did not the other castes so understand and do as he did? Why did they sit down and be lazy, and let the Brahmins win the race?”

Read also:  28th January in Dalit History - First Ever Infanticide Prohibition Home of India Was Started by Savitribai Phule

–> Vivekananda is a defender of Manu, the “great” law-giver, and blames the lower castes for their sorry lot. Is it surprising that most of the followers of the cult of Vivekananda are high caste Hindus?

15) The only safety, I tell you men who belong to the lower castes, the only way to raise your condition is to study Sanskrit, and this fighting and writing and frothing against the higher castes is in vain…

–> Vivekananda doesn’t want that Dalits write against their oppressors and he wants that Dalits keep on suffering silently! Lower castes fight is for equality and Sanskrit is a language of discrimination and it originated to maintain the caste discrimination. How learning Sanskrit will help lower castes get jobs, respect and dignity and how it will solve the problem of caste discrimination? I am not able to understand, can you?

16) To the non-Brahmin castes I say, wait, be not in a hurry. Do not seize every opportunity of fighting the Brahmin, because, as I have shown, you are suffering from your own fault.

–> Vivekananda blames lower castes for their suffering. Yeah, as if while studying, lower castes themselves poured lead in their own ears, cut their own tongue and plucked their own eyes after reading!

References – 

  • Swami Vivekananda, “The Abroad and the Problems at Home”, The Hindu, Madras, February 1987, in “Interviews”, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 5, Access it from here.
  • Swami Vivekananda, in “The Future of India”, Delivered at Victoria Hall, Madras, in “Lectures from Colombo to Almora”, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 3, Access it from here.
  • Swami Vivekananda, in “Women of India”, Delivered at the Shakespeare Club House, in Pasadena, California, on January 18, 1900, in “Lectures and Discourses”, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 8, Access it from here.
  • Swami Vivekananda, in “A Plan of Work for India”, in “Writings: Prose”, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 4, Access it from here.
  • Vivekananda’s Ideological Yatra

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  1. 1
    Bert Gedin

    I am not very familiar with Vivekananda’s teachings. But here one is given the impression that all he cared about was preserving the caste system. And I don’t agree with that system. Surely he also had some quite different ideas about life and nature ? Why distort his message ?

  2. 2

    Dear brother, I think you have not read how he thrashed Brahmins suppressing Dalits. He used so much bad words for Brahmins for that reason. If you will read those sentences, you will become fan of Swamiji. Through out his life he fought for Dalits. His only aim was to uplift the Dalits.

    About your above mentioned things, in which Swamiji glorifies the caste system. Caste system was made for the better of human society. The initial motive was very good. To uplift the lower higher and higher until he reaches the highest. But, the ordinary people did not understand this thing. And they misused this system. It was not the fault of the system, it was the fault of the people who could not grasp it.

    So, whatever commentary made by Swami Vivekanand on caste system is absolutely right, and not objectionable because what he is saying is about the “initial idea of caste system”, as he introducing the people of America the social system on India.

    • 3
      Suraj Verma

      I hope you will my comment. Wow… so first he supported the very reason which put Dalit communities in a situation where they being exploited, raped, etc. And then he threshed their own caste people for well-expected outcomes of the caste system. I am sure you are not one who belongs to these communities, otherwise, there is no that you had such radical views. And, you are saying that the caste system meant for god but it was the people who ruin everything, but how can you say a system well without taking consideration of human behavior. Though I am not surprised after reading views, it’s every upper caste person who has such views.

  3. 4

    Savarkar, Hedgewar, Golwalkar, Vivekananda, Vallabhai Patel, Tilak, Moonje, etc are inspirations and influences of the communalists and fascists of Hindutva gangs. All these people were bigoted Hindus with Brahminical, Vedic, Manuvadi mindset, and all these people hated the non-Hindus and lower castes of India.

  4. 5
    Blah Blah

    Swami Vivekananda has raised his voice on caste discrimination and untouchability. It appears that He was more serious about caste anomaly than any other reformers. Probably in Indian history, Swami Vivekananda is the first person to covey the truth and realities without any prejudice and fear after Buddha. In his words – “I have a message for the world, which I will deliver without fear and care for the future. To the reformers I will point out that I am a greater reformer than any one of them. They want to reform only little bits. I want root-and-branch reform. [CW-3]”

    Swami Vivekananda clearly discouraged caste system. He write in a letter, ALMORA, 30th May, 1897 – “the conviction is daily gaining on my mind that the idea of caste is the greatest dividing factor and the root of Maya; all caste either on the principle of birth or of merit is bondage. [CW-6]” Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_6/epistles_second_series/124_sir.htm

    Voice against Caste oppression
    Swami Vivekananda wrote in a letter “BARANAGORE, CALCUTTA, 17th Aug., 1889 to Pramadadas Mitra of Varanasi, – “I have no doubt that according to the ancient view in this country, caste was hereditary, and it cannot also be doubted that sometimes the Shudras used to be oppressed more than the helots among the Spartans and the negroes among the Americans! As for myself, I have no partiality for any party in this caste question, because I know it is a social law and is based on diversity of Guna and Karma. It also means grave harm if one bent on going beyond Guna and Karma cherishes in mind any caste distinctions.” [CW-6] Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_6/epistles_second_series/009_sir.htm

    Society has its own momentum
    Veda does not talk of caste system. Smrtis like Manu Smriti enforces caste discrimination. We think first Smritis are written and given to people. And next morning all people started following it. Not true. Rather Smritis document the customs already prevalent during that period and authors put few of their suggestions to add some values. Author doesn’t or cannot suggest a drastic change in society. It should be at per what society follows. The logic behind it is if today Swami Vivekananda says something, how many Indians will follow it. To be more accurate suppose today Manu will direct something through another edition of his book, do you think that whole world will follow him? It is difficult to change the society completely. Society has it’s own flow and that cannot be changed overnight. Given a situation, society or people holds the immediate available solution without thinking for whole humanity and it’s future consequence.

    Priest-craft has nothing to do with Spirituality
    Swami Vivekananda was intelligent enough to understand the degradation of Hinduism is due to priests. Priests act as middlemen in religion without any divine authority. They confuse people, out of ignorance they indulge others into superstitions, twist the liberal meaning of scripture, and become an obstacle to the real teachings given by Vedic Rishis. He understood clearly unless the priest-hood is not destroyed completely, there is no rise of India. He named it as Râkshasas in the shape of the Brahmin priests.

    His Inner views from his letters
    Letter date: 10th July 1893:

    “Come, be men! Kick out the priests who are always against progress, because they would never mend, their hearts would never become big. They are the offspring of centuries of superstition and tyranny. Root out priest craft first. [CW-5]” – Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_5/epistles_first_series/003_alasinga.htm

    Letter date: 1895

    “Remember the Vedic Ashvamedha sacrifice – ‘Tadanantaram mahishim ashwa-sannidhau patayet’ etc! And Hota, Pota, Brahma, Udgata etc do worse things while drunk. Brother, Janaki had been to forest, Sri Rama celebrated Ashwamedha alone – hearing this I am free from stress, Brother.

    All the Brâhmanas mention them, and all the commentators admit them to be true. How can you deny them? [CW-6]” Link – (http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_6/epistles_second_series/071_rakhal.htm) Please look into Bengali version below as it is not translated into English Bengali Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_6/epistles_second_series/b7159e6071.pdf.

    It looks like – priests were doing terrible act with queen in the name of Ashvamedha Yajna. You can find reference in web about Aswamedha Yajna. Where the queen has to sleep with dead horse over night. She has to do a symbolic sex with dead horse. Since the dead horse could not do it, it seems was done by Vedic priests to give birth to a child from Horse. This process is known as Niyoga [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niyoga]. Manu Smriti talks about it. Also Purana mentions the Vedic sage Vashishtha had niyoga with the queen of king Kalmashapada. Swamiji was thanking Sri-Rama, that He deserted Maa-Sita by that time of Yajna, otherwise she could be a victim of priests overnight. Still they were desperately searching her and finally managed with her golden image.

    In same letter Swamiji mentions – ” A girl of eight is married to a man of thirty, and the parents are jubilant over it…. And if anyone protests against it, the plea is put forward, “Our religion is being overturned.” What sort of religion have they who want to see their girls becoming mothers before they attain puberty even and offer scientific explanations for it? Many, again, lay the blame at the door of the Mohammedans. They are to blame, indeed! Just read the Grihya-Sutras through and see what is given as the marriageable age of a girl. … There it is expressly stated that a girl must be married before attaining puberty. The entire Grihya-Sutras enjoin this…..What I mean by mentioning all this is that there were many good things in the ancient times, but there were bad things too. The good things are to be retained, but the India that is to be, the future India. must be much greater than ancient India. [CW-6]”

    Letter date: 6th July 1890:

    He writes “Priests, those idiots are beast. Don’t believe them at any cost”

    Letter date: 22 August, 1892:

    “Poor fellows! Whatever the rascally and wily priests teach them — all sorts of mummery and tomfoolery as the very gist of the Vedas and Hinduism (mind you, neither these rascals of priests nor their forefathers have so much as seen a volume of the Vedas for the last 400 generations) — they follow and degrade themselves. Lord help them from the Râkshasas in the shape of the Brahmins of the Kaliyuga. [CW-8]” Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_8/epistles_fourth_series/009_diwanji_saheb.htm

    Consequence of Caste Division
    Swami Vivekananda – “The caste system is opposed to the religion of the Vedanta. Caste is a social custom, and all our great preachers have tried to break it down. From Buddhism downwards, every sect has preached against caste, and every time it has only riveted the chains. Caste is simply the outgrowth of the political institutions of India; it is a hereditary trade guild. Trade competition with Europe has broken caste more than any teaching. [CW-5]”

    According to Swamiji, due to western exposure, industrialization, international competence, the caste system is fading away.

    During his visit to Kerala, Swamiji found severe untouchability. Kerala is a place where Brahmins used to walk on road with shouting, “Apasara Apasara-move away, move away” from a distance. Swami Vivekananda has mentioned Kerala is a “lunatic asylum”.

    Those Brahmins even don’t touch the shadow of lower-caste people. These lower caste people were forced to hold a pot on their neck to avoid spitting on road and broomstick on the waist so that they can clean impurities on the road while walking. Lower caste women were not allowed to cover breasts. On seeing a Brahmin on road, they were told to remove upper garments as a show of respect. The strange part was the breast tax to cover breasts. One girl cut off her breasts to protest against the inhuman mulakkaram (breast tax) and died. [Link – http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/200-years-on-nangelis-sacrifice-only-a-fading-memory/article5255026.ece%5D.

    Swami Vivekananda wrote in a letter to Pandit Shankarlal of Khetri, from BOMBAY, in 20th September, 1892 – “To what a ludicrous state are we brought! If a Bhângi comes to anybody as a Bhangi, he would be shunned as the plague; but no sooner does he get a cupful of water poured upon his head with some mutterings of prayers by a Pâdri, and get a coat on his back, no matter how threadbare, and come into the room of the most orthodox Hindu — I don’t see the man who then dare refuse him a chair and a hearty shake of the hands! Irony can go no further. And come and see what they, the Pâdris, are doing here in the Dakshin . They are converting the lower classes by lakhs; and in Travancore, the most priestridden country in India — where every bit of land is owned by the Brahmins, and the females, even of the royal family, hold it as high honor to live in concubinage with the Brahmins, nearly one-fourth has become Christian!. [CW-5]” Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_5/epistles_first_series/002_panditji_maharaj.htm. BOLD RED marked line is not translated into English – It is present in Original letter published in Bengali language.

    In another lecture “The future of India” he said “Was there ever a sillier thing before in the world than what I saw in Malabar country? The poor Pariah is not allowed to pass through the same street as the high-caste man, but if he changes his name to a hodge-podge English name, it is all right; or to a Mohammedan name, it is all right. What inference would you draw except that these Malabaris are all lunatics, their homes so many lunatic asylums, and that they are to be treated with derision by every race in India until they mend their manners and know better. Shame upon them that such wicked and diabolical customs are allowed; their own children are allowed to die of starvation, but as soon as they take up some other religion they are well fed. There ought to be no more fight between the castes. [CW-5]” Link http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_5/epistles_first_series/002_panditji_maharaj.htm (This article clarifies further details – http://muktipada.blogspot.in/2015/06/kerla-advent-of-polyandry-to-secure.html )

    To escape from this severe untouchability, many Dalits got converted into Islam and Christian religions. After conversion they were getting respect from so called upper layer Hindus.

    Opening the door of Liberation for All
    First time in Indian Hinduism history Swami Vivekananda allowed Sudra (the 4th varna) to join as monks in Asram and worship in temple. Even He initiated many untouchables into Gayatri mantra and gave them sacred thread at Kolkata during the holy birthday of Sri Ramakrishna and converted them into Brahmin. He said – “Whoever will come here on this sacred birthday of Shri Ramakrishna I shall invest him with the holy thread. These people have fallen from their true status….Each Hindu, I say, is a brother of every other, and it is we who have degraded them by our outcry, “Don’t touch, don’t touch!” And so the whole country has been plunged to the utmost depths of meanness, cowardice, and ignorance. These men have to be uplifted; words of hope and faith have to be proclaimed to them. We have to tell them, “You are men like us, and you have all the rights that we have. [CW-7]”.

    Earlier Veda, Upanishads study were prohibited for Surda. Smriti holds that Veda is not to be read in the vicinity of a Sudra. “Shudra is a living corpse. His tongue is to be slit if he pronounces it; his body is to be cut through if he preserves it.” Swamiji broke this tradition and published Upanishads for the access of all. It was not a simple task to break this old age tradition. Swamiji was highly criticized during his time by orthodox Brahmins and many of his good friends deserted him. But He did not care for the consequence and decided to clean Hinduism single handedly without any fear. (Detailed article – http://muktipada.blogspot.in/2014/08/six-orthodox-rules-in-hinduism-broken.html )

    Why Shudra suffers?
    Another interesting thing is pointed to by Swami Vivekananda – Prodigies born in Shudra community have kicked out own community and joined upper layers. Whereas worthless from upper layer have downgraded into Shudra based on Smriti laws… So Sudra community acts as a dustbin in Hinduism. This community is never benefited by the prodigy it has created. So lower caste always remain as lower. He put few queries for lower caste people to seek – “Who told you to neglect spirituality and Sanskrit learning? What have you been doing all this time? Why have you been indifferent?”

    This is known as Sanskritization in sociologist terminology, a particular form of social change found in India. It denotes the process by which castes placed lower in the caste hierarchy seek upward mobility by emulating the rituals and practices of the upper or dominant castes. It is a process similar to passing in sociological terms. Link – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskritization

    Swami Vivekananda – “Therefore, it is no use fighting among the castes. What good will it do? It will divide us all the more, weaken us all the more, degrade us all the more. The solution is not by bringing down the higher, but by raising the lower up to the level of the higher. And that is the line of work that is found in all our books, in spite of what you may hear from some people whose knowledge of their own Scriptures and whose capacity to understand the mighty plans of the ancients are only zero. What is the plan? The ideal at the one end is the Brahmana and the ideal at the other end is the chandala, and the whole work is to raise the chandala up to the Brahmana. Slowly and slowly you will find more and more privileges granted to them.” Link – http://www.dlshq.org/messages/caste.htm

    The Swami Vivekananda defines Brahmana as the knower of Brahman, the highest truth – Brahman Janati Iti Brahmana. In his language – “This Brahmin, the man of God, he who has known Brahman, the ideal man, the perfect man, must remain.[CW-3]”.

    He has clearly discouraged Brahmana caste. Swamiji said to Brahmin caste in “THE FUTURE OF INDIA – “The day for these privileges and exclusive claims is gone. The duty of every aristocracy is to dig its own grave, and the sooner it does so, the better. The more it delays, the more it will fester and the worse death it will die. It is the duty of the Brahmin, therefore, to work for the salvation of the rest of mankind in India. If he does that, and so long as he does that, he is a Brahmin, but he is no Brahmin when he goes about making money.[CW-3]”

    Special Privilege and Reservation
    Swami Vivekananda, a great visionary, who was the first to talk of special privilege to be granted to unfit community to uplift them into main stream social life. Later Govt of India adopted this concept to provide reservation to lower caste communities. The provisions made in the Articles 16, 335, 338, 340, 341, 342 of the Constitution relate to reservation, protection and safeguards of “socially and educationally backward classes”.

    Swami Vivekananda has preached of special care for lower caste people in his talk ‘THE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA’ – “if the Brahmin has more aptitude for learning on the ground of heredity than the Pariah, spend no more money on the Brahmin’s education, but spend all on the Pariah. Give to the weak, for there all the gift is needed. If the Brahmin is born clever, he can educate himself without help. If the others are not born clever, let them have all the teaching and the teachers they want. This is justice and reason as I understand it [CW-3]. Link – http://belurmath.org/complete_works_of_swami_vivekananda/volume_3/lectures_from_colombo_to_almora/the_mission_of_the_vedanta.htm

    Swami Vivekananda writes – “If there is inequality in nature, still there must be equal chance for all — or if greater for some and for some less — the weaker should be given more chance than the strong. In other words, a Brahmin is not so much in need of education as a Chandâla. If the son of a Brahmin needs one teacher, that of a Chandala needs ten. For greater help must be given to him whom nature has not endowed with an acute intellect from birth. It is a madman who carries coals to Newcastle. The poor, the downtrodden, the ignorant, let these be your God. [CW-6]” Link – http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_6/epistles_second_series/071_rakhal.htm

    Caste Conversion
    Swamiji has also talked of caste conversion as per Vedic Varna system. He suggested few ideas.

    1. Revert back to Brahmin-hood: We are all Risi-putra. “The solution is not by bringing down the higher, but by raising the lower up to the level of the higher [CW-3].” The goal is to uplift everyone into the higher dimension of divinity. We need to manifest the Brahmin qualities as mentioned in Gita 18.42 – Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, and religiousness-these are the qualities by which the brāhmaṇas work. We need to reach a civilization where proper Vedic Varna system based on Guna-Karma will be in place. Then only caste-less India will be possible.

    2. Continue self-declaring: “There are thousands of castes, and some are even getting admission into Brahminhood, for what prevents any caste from declaring they are Brahmins? Thus caste, with all its rigor, has been created in that manner. [CW-3]”. Instead of crying foul, people can self-declare or correct their castes based on Vedic Varna definition.

    3. Rename the whole Community: “Let us suppose that there are castes here with ten thousand people in each. If these put their heads together and say, we will call ourselves Brahmins, nothing can stop them; I have seen it in my own life. Some castes become strong, and as soon as they all agree, who is to say nay? Because whatever it was, each caste was exclusive of the other. It did not meddle with others’ affairs; even the several divisions of one caste did not meddle with the other divisions. [CW-3] (Article – http://muktipada.blogspot.in/2014/09/origin-of-indian-caste-system.html)

    Facing the Criticism
    Swami Vivekananda was never appreciated by orthodox people during his time. In the beginning orthodox dignitaries were denying to come forward to support him publicly due to his liberalness towards caste. But Swamiji did not compromise his ideal. Few orthodox was attacking him saying, – ‘He was a Shudra, so he has no eligibility to read and teach Veda.’

    The most unfortunate part is – He was not allowed to enter into Dakshineswar temple at Kolkata by those priests. Please note, in the same temple his Guru Sri Ramakrishna was living for a long time. Later Swamiji bought a separate land at Belur for Ramakrishna Mission. After this event, Swamiji did not went to Orissa to visit any temples. So conservative Hindu society even treated him as out-caste. (Article – http://muktipada.blogspot.in/2016/01/vivekananda-was-outcasted-shame-on.html)

  5. 7

    vivekananda only reinterpreted ancient scriptures without going into the root cause of problem and romanticized ancient Hindu religion,he was not a radical reformer but he is one of the revivalist like dayananda saraswathi

  6. 9

    – “The plan in India is to make everybody a Brahmin, the Brahmin being the ideal of humanity.” That is a positive statement!!! everyone generally strive to be a learned person in ones field…such knowledgeable persons be it in any field should be respected & have elevated status in society.

    • 10

      Positive? Really? Then why not to say that plan is to make everyone untouchable or shudra as these are the varans who work hard not brahmins who just sit in temples and beg!

  7. 12

    Do hate Vivekananda for the statements he made. But don’t selectively put his quotes out of context. And the ‘Brahmin’ he mentions is not caste, but enlightened human being irrespective of caste, and even religion. Don’t misunderstand Brahmin to those born in so called Brahmin caste today.

  8. 13

    Swami Vivekanand was shudra hence he was objected to wear saffron cloths and became saint and not allow to go out side of India but he went hence all Brahmins were against him then Swami Vivekanad said India can not develop in the presence of Brahmins hence put Brahmins under feet of your shoe then Brahmins became against him and he was dis-appeared within short period

  9. 14
    subho ganguly

    There has been more examples not more than 800 to 1000 years ago, in Bengal, that people from shudra has been directed to khsatriya or brahmhana by the King’s order. vide the dynasty of Raja Adishura and Raja Ballalsen and Raja Laxman sen ….The essence of brahmana on the context of being benevolent and purity is acceptable and has been told by Swami Vivekananda. But this social site propagating Marxist ideology simply detoriating the original context as they always do. But they dare to touch some other religious superstitions as because they are probably funded by those. An organised denomination from a bunch of organised partymen. Leave the site and uplift nation…even playing football is better to waste a time here.

  10. 16
    debasis mitra

    I expect more such articles from Velivada.
    I am a Bengali and since childhood has been taught to treat Swami Vivekananda and his master Ramkrishna as gods. On growing up, when I read some of his works and a few [there exists a handful] of his critics, two things became clear to me.
    [1] Swamiji was, plain and simple, a preacher of Vedanta; nothing more than that.
    [2] Vivekananda never uttered anything new. All his views were repeat telecasts of some other Vednatic thinker.
    He was contradiction personified. He opines something today and turns diametrically opposite tomorrow. Every great thinker occasionally did such thing – as a result of his deeper thinking or changed circumstances – but Swamiji exceeded everybody in that field. He contradicted himself on almost every aspect and with fantastic frequency.
    No doubt he was an orator par excellence. Confident and arrogant, he cared neither for its effect nor its explanation.
    Yes. You can say he was perfect ancestor of Mr. Narendra Modi.

  11. 17

    Please expose such pseudo personalities which fabricate as great …and also mention the castiesm made by religion or community other than hindu…

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