20th July in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar arrived at New York and joined Columbia University


20th July in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar arrived at New York and joined Columbia University, in the Faculty of Political Sciences.

Arriving in New York during the third week in July, Bhimrao was housed in Hartley Hall. But he didn’t care for the food, and only stayed for a week. In August he moved from Hartley Hall to “Cosmopolitan Club” (554 West 114th Street), a housing club maintained by a group of Indian students. He finally settled in a dormitory, Livingston Hall (since renamed Wallach Hall, with his friend Naval Bhathena, a Parsi; the two remained friends for life.

Check alsoDr. Ambedkar’s degree from Columbia University. 

Cosmopolitan Club, where Dr. Ambedkar stayed for some time while studying at Columbia University.

Cosmopolitan Club, where Dr. Ambedkar stayed for some time while studying at Columbia University.

Wallach Hall, where Dr. Ambedkar stayed  while studying at Columbia University.

Wallach Hall, where Dr. Ambedkar stayed while studying at Columbia University.

20th july2

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