12th July (1942) in Dalit History – Independent Labour Party and Bombay Municipal Labour Union congratulate Dr. Ambedkar


12th July (1942) in Dalit History – The Independent Labour Party and the Bombay Municipal Labour Union held a meeting to congratulate Dr. Ambedkar.

The Independent Labour Party and the Bombay Municipal Labour Union held a meeting to congratulate their leader Dr. Ambedkar (that an untouchable was selected by the Viceroy as a member of Executive Council in the National Defense Council). Here he delivered a speech. At another meeting held at R. M. Bhat High School, Bombay (presently Mumbai), by the Peasants of Konkan District and States, Dr. Ambedkar declared that he would never surrender in the battle he would have to wage for protecting and advancing the interests of the working classes of India. At a reception given by Mahar Panchayat, Dr. Ambedkar related vividly how he had planned in his boyhood to run away from Satara to Bombay to become a mill-worker and how his plan to steal the purse of his aunt had failed.

12th July3

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