5th July in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar left for England to complete his studies in Law and Economics


5 July 1920: Dr. Ambedkar left for England for higher education[1],[2] 

Dr. Ambedkar, as a young professor saved some money, got some help from Maharaja of Kolhapur, took a loan of Rs. 5,000 from his friend Mr. Naval Bhatena, and left for London to complete his studies in Law and Economics. He asked P N Batkar to undertake the responsibility of publishing Mook Nayak in his absence. The tranquil support his pious and patient wife afforded was no less valuable. His wife was again left to pass days looking after her little son Yashwant and the family of the elder brother of her husband.

5th July

5 July 1942: Dr. Ambedkar left for Delhi to attend a meeting of the National Defence Council[3]

Dr. Ambedkar left Bombay (presently Mumbai) for Delhi on July 5, to attend a meeting of the National Defence Council,

Read also:  Dr. Ambedkar on Muslims/Islam, He Wasn't Anti-Muslim

5 July 2004: Behan Mayawati was elected as Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) for the 2nd term
5th July 2

[1] Dhananjay Keer, Dr. Ambedkar: Life and Mission book, p 44

[2] Sanjay Paswan, Pramanshi Jaideva, Encyclopaedia of Dalits in India: Leaders, Volume 4book, p 199

[3]   Dhananjay Keer, Dr. Ambedkar: Life and Mission book

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