Lord Buddha TV channel


Lord Buddha TV channel which has marked its presence for being first media platform for the Dalits has initiated various social works and awareness campaigns. The channel is being laboriously built to prove itself in every possible way. Lord Buddha TV not only propagates Buddhism which includes detailed history and principles of Buddhism but also discusses various social issues and provides updated news which the corporate media chooses to hide. The recent serial ‘ Samvidhan’ which was aired on Rajya Sabha TV had falsely stated the facts and had erased many facts which Dr. Ambedkar underwent. Not only has the serial credited false history but also erased historic icons. Lord Buddha TV will be creating another serial based on Dr. Ambedkar’s role in the making of Indian Constitution. This serial will be a tight slap on Rajya Sabha TV for erasing historic facts and having attempted to hide Dr. Ambedkar’s relentless and ceaseless struggles. For more detailed updates switch on to Lord Buddha TV and do not forget to contribute to the channel for a better and advanced Dalit media platform.

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We request our community members to join the membership and do donate to Lord Buddha TV’s initiative for an organized Dalit network.The channel has evolved through extreme hard times and now for greater initiatives to provide an unbiased Ambedkar network the channel requires your support.We shouldn’t forget immense contributions made by the people to Babasaheb’s various works , colleges, education, newspapers. Do stay updated and don’t miss to watch Lord Buddha TV. Do make an initiative to support Lord Buddha TV to overcome hurdles and scale greater heights.

Please do share with your friends and do contribute to Lord Buddha TV by joining its membership and supporting it financially.

For further details you can contact – 09373714155

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