Daily Words of Dr. Ambedkar for 25th June


[Tweet “Untouchability is not a timely or temporary feature. It is a permanent one.”] To put it straight, it can be said that the struggle between the Hindus and the Untouchables is a permanent phenomenon. It is eternal, because the religion which has given you the lowest level in the society is itself eternal, according to the belief of the high-caste people. No change according to times and circumstances is possible. You are the lowest of the rungs today. You shall remain the lowest forever. This means the struggle between Hindus and Untouchables will continue forever. How you will survive through this struggle, is a main question. And unless you think it over, there is no escape.

~ Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar



In case you missed previous days’ wisdom words, check these  –

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Read also:  Is Gandhi a Mahatma? - What Dr Ambedkar Said
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