Dr. Ambedkar on Freedom and Free Man


What is the proof to judge that the flame of mental freedom is not extinguished in the mind of person? To whom can we say that his mind is free. [Tweet “I call him free who with his conscience awake realises his rights, responsibilities and duties.”] He who is not a slave of circumstances and is always ready and striving to change them in his flavor, I call him free. One who is not a slave of usage, customs, of meaningless rituals and ceremonies, of superstitions and traditions; whose flame of reason has not been extinguished, I call him a free man. He who has not surrendered his free will and abdicated his intelligence and independent thinking, who does not blindly act on the teachings of others, who does not blindly accept anything without critically analysing and examining its veracity and usefulness, who is always prepared to protect his rights, who is not afraid of ridicule and unjust public criticism, who has a sound conscience and self-respect so as not become a tool in the hands of others, I call him a free man. He who does not lead his life under the direction of others, who sets his own goal of life according to his own reasoning and decides for himself as to how and in what way life should be lead, is a free man. [Tweet “In short, who is a master of his own free will, him alone I call a free man. – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar”]

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