7th June in Dalit History – Behan Mayawati addressed the UN General Assembly


7 June 2000: As a representative of India, Behan Mayawati addressed the UN General Assembly while participating in an international seminar on the topic, “Democracy through Partnership between Men and Women”, organised by the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) in New York, USA.

The other members of the Indian Parliamentary Delegation to the above Conference were Smt. Phoolan Devi, Smt. Saroj Dubey, Dr. (Mrs.) V. Saroja, Dr. (Ms.) P. Selvie Das, Ms. Mabel Rebello and Dr. (Smt.) Rajeswaramma Vukkala, all members of Parliament. Shri Harnam Singh, Joint Secretary, Lok Sabha Secretariat, was the Secretary to the Delegation.

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