Jai Bheem is banned but Chhota Bheem isn't!


It is really sorry state of the country where Dalits are killed for having Dr. Ambedkar ringtones and study groups named after Dr. Ambedkar are banned for raising voices against caste discrimination. On the other hand, serials or movies like Chhota Bheem are propagated in so-called elite colleges and universities. One cartoonist depicted this nicely. These universities are spreading superstitions and fiction. On the one hand governments are trying to bring anti-superstitions law but on the same time, universities like IITs are banning any rational thinking group. Are these really so-called technical universities?


Check also – 

Some Cartoons against Ban on Ambedkar-Periyar Study Group

Caste Discrimination at IIT Madras

IIT Madras – Ambedkar Periyar Student Circle banned for raising voice against caste based discrimination

They tried to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds!

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