How do you rate the first year of Modi sarkar?


Before you vote, consider the attacks on the Dalits all over India, attacks on churches, rapes of Dalit women and attacks on the Muslim and other minority communities. Under BJP rule, Dalits were denied their share in the budget. Dalits in BJP ruled Maharashtra are even killed for having Dr. Ambedkar ringtone on mobile, Dalit grooms are made to wear helmets in marriage as upper caste people stoned the marriage people. Apart from this, remember in BJP ruled Rajasthan, Jats crushed 3 Dalits under tractors and no action was taken against the Jats. All this is happening in BJP ruled states, and moreover at center BJP is ruling! Attacks on Dalits are on rise.

Please vote and share with your your friends! Thank you.

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  1. 1
    Subramanian Sellamuthu

    nothing of public good could be expected from Rss run government except the undue advantage to Corporates

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