In BJP ruled Rajasthan – Jats crush 3 Dalits under tractors!


Another horrifying crime on Dalits was committed by upper caste Jats in Rajasthan where Jats did crush 3 Dalits under tractors and injured a dozen others. Upper castes people also molested Dalit women, did beat them and made them naked. This is such a horrible crime but no accuse has been arrested yet. Is this Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas definition of BJP? Crimes against Dalits are on rise under BJP government at center and in Rajasthan, what actions governments taking to curb these crimes? Till now BJP government has not done anything concrete to solve the problems faced by Dalits.

If we look at the statistics compiled by India’s National Crime Records Bureau, those stats indicate that every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three Dalit women are raped, two Dalits are murdered, and two Dalit homes are torched. These figures are not true representative of number of crimes done against Dalits as many a times police officials support upper castes people and they don’t register the case.  So many crimes go unreported. Hence, actual number of atrocities done on Dalits are much higher.

We must speak against all the crimes committed against Dalits.


In BJP ruled Rajasthan – Jats crush 3 Dalits under tractors!

Read the complete news on TOI.

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