Welcome to the real India!


Everyone on Twitter and Facebook is busy welcoming Obama to India. Here is my welcome to Mr. President.

Welcome to India – the land of caste system.

Welcome to India – where we didn’t invent anything but founded caste system that has killed millions of people since invented.

Welcome to India – where we don’t allow fellow human beings to enter the same temples and where we worship animals and plants but mistreat fellow human beings.

Welcome to India – where Dalit kids at schools are forced to do toilet cleaning work.

Welcome to India – where Dalit students in schools are purified by sprinkling cow urine on them.

Welcome to India – where Dalit women are seen and treated as only sex objects.

Welcome to India – where Dalit people are killed just because they had same name as some upper caste people had.

Welcome to India – where Dalit homes are separated by walls in the villages.

Welcome to India – where Dalits have to remove their shoes while passing in front of upper caste homes.

Welcome to India – where Dalit students’ scholarships aren’t issued on time.

Welcome to India – where Dalit homes are burnt daily, just because they are Dalit.

Welcome to India – where food cooked by Dalit women isn’t accepted by so called upper caste students.

Welcome to India – where Dalit kids are made to sit separately in schools.

Welcome to India – where Dalit women are paraded naked, raped and forced to commit suicide.

Welcome to India – where Dalits are offered menial jobs and exploited at workplaces.

Read also:  Celebrating Dalit History - Dr. C. Parvathamma the First Dalit Woman Sociologist!

Welcome to India – where Dalit students seats at colleges are filled by upper castes having fake Dalit certificates.

Welcome to India – where Dalit students seats in colleges are left unfilled.

Welcome to India – where there are separate barber shops for Dalits.

Welcome to India – where Dalits have to sip tea from separate tea cups.

Welcome to India – where there appear caste wise columns in matrimonial pages.


Welcome to India – where Dalits have to wait for years to get justice in courts.

Welcome to India – where Dalits are shown as degraded characters in movies.

Welcome to India – where Dalits have separate office timings.

Welcome to India – where to Dalits’ home there is no postal delivery, just because upper caste Postman don’t want to go there.

Welcome to India – where Dalits and Muslims are denied renting homes, even in metro cities.

Welcome to India – where Dalit and Muslim are kept in jails for years without any crime.

Welcome to India – where shankracharyas are caught for the involvement in rapes, murders and killings.

Welcome to India – where there are still thousands of devidasis (temple prostitutes).

Welcome to India – where Dalits are forced to work as manual scavengers.

Welcome to India – where statues of Dalit leaders are maligned or destroyed.

Welcome to India – where  21 Dalits were slaughtered by the Ranvir Sena in Bathani Tola, Bhojpur in Bihar and no justice was delivered ever.

Welcome to India – where 23 Dalits were massacred in Jehanabad (Bihar) by Ranvir Sena and no justice was delivered.

Read also:  Prevention of Atrocity Act and Casteist Judgment of the Court

Welcome to India – where Kherlanji, Badaun etc massacres happened.

Welcome to India – where police can rape innocent girls and still be free.

Welcome to India – where Melavalavn massacre, TN, happened. 6 Dalits were killed by so called upper caste people.

Welcome to India – where 16 Dalits were killed in Muthanya incident, Kerala.

Welcome to India – where 58 innocent Dalits were killed at Laxmanpur Bathe, Bihar and no justice was delivered.

Welcome to India – where Bant Singh case of Punjab happened.

Welcome to India – where 42 innocent Dalits were killed in Kilvenmani massacre, TN, by the gang of upper caste landlords.

Welcome to India – where Dalits are boycotted in villages.

Welcome to India – where Dalits change their names/surnames to escape caste discrimination.

Welcome to India – where Dalit kids are forced to play in separate play grounds.

Welcome to India – where job openings come with – ‘Dalits need not to apply’.

Welcome to India – where Dalits, Muslims can’t buy flats in a colony and ads come with – ‘only for Brahmins’.

The list of atrocities and crimes committed against Dalits and minorities is endless… Welcome to the real India!

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