Prima Primissima Award nomination for Derdak Tibor (Jai Bhim Network, Hungary), please Vote and Support


UntitledI am pleased to share with all of you the great news that Derdak Tibor, Director of Jai Bhim Network, has been nominated for Prima Primissima Award under Public Education and Education category. Prima Primissima Award is prestigious award in Hungary and it is a great moment for all of us who believe in the ideology of BabaSaheb Ambedkar and especially for those who have wholehearted supported Jai Bhim Network, Hungary and its activities all these years. It shows how dedicated Jai Bhim Network team in Hungary is for the cause of social equality.

The voting for the award is open and you can vote by sending a simple text message (sms) from your mobile.

Here is how to vote –

Type on your mobile – 13

And send it to +36707077000

Simple! Sms won’t charge you much. One can send/vote sms as many times as one wants but one sms per hour only, i.e. if you want to send again please send it after one hour only. Voting is open till December 4th , 2014, so please vote as many times as you can.

It is a great opportunity for all of us to support and encourage the people behind Jai Bhim Network, Hungary so that they keep on spreading the ideology of BabaSaheb. Award money will go to Dr. Ambedkar school’s activities and recognition will help Jai Bhim Network to spread the message of BabaSaheb. Dr. Ambedkar High schools are Hungary’s largest educational institutions for Roma children. We can’t afford to turn our backs on such a successful initiative – to educated and give ‘Dalits of Europe’ a sense of pride. It is our duty to support and encourage Jai Bhim Network team so please vote and spread this message to your friends and groups.

Read also:  5th January in Dalit History - Birth of Dr. Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan

Those who don’t know about Jai Bhim Network, here is brief about Jai Bhim Network and its activities –

Jai Bhim Network is group of people working in Hungary on the ideas of BabaSaheb Ambedkar and Lord Buddha. Since 2007, Jai Bhim Network has expanded its roots deep into the Hungarian society via opening many new Dr. Ambedkar High schools and Jai Bhim Network has purchased a new house (named White House) to teach Roma students and carry out various social functions. With the help The Corporate Body of the Buddha Education Foundation, Taipei (Taiwan) Jai Bhim Network has published a Buddhist Puja book – Telihold. Every year they celebrate BabaSaheb’s Birth anniversary and Dhamma Chakka Parivartan Din. Dr. Ambedkar High School is a kind of second chance schools, which offer the opportunity of obtaining an education in the poorest villages in Hungary, torn communities of living, especially for young Roma. With the help of Jai Bhim Network Romas are able to stand against the daily whips of village life and Network has given millions hopes to these unprivileged Romas through education and social integration program, all such measures were ignored by governments and many others. Jai Bhim Network is working and drawing inspiration from many other Buddhist religious bodies from different countries and especially Dalits of India.

Read also:  Dalitbandhu And The Quest For Buddhist India

In my recent visit (September, 2014) to Dr. Ambedkar High School, Sajokaza, I found that they have now amazing Buddhist Meditation Centre!

More about Jai Bhim Network, you can find at or or from my article in The Hindu newspaper at

More information about the Prima Primissima Award at (the link is in Hungarian but you can use google translator to convert it to English)

Please vote and spread the message.

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  1. 1
    vikram singh

    Baba Sahib provide oppertunity to not only dalit but whole depreesed poor of other community to live dignity life so I heartly cordially respect him if other people sacrifice the society can be become self reliant.

  2. 2
    Ravinder Singh

    Dear Pradeep I wish all good wishes for your endeavor. I was trying to send sms you have mentioned but it failed. Even Then I vote through this mail to your efforts. Kindly include. Dr Ravinder Singh Associate Professor & Head Department of Medical Anthropology, IHBAS Neuropsychiatric Hospital Dilshad garden, delhi-10095, India

    Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 10:23:48 +0000 To:

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