Upcoming Movie: "Shudra – The Rising?"


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I believe till now everyone might have heard about the upcoming movie on Dalits of India, i.e. “Shudra – The Rising?” In case you have missed the news, here is the news! Movie is produced and directed by Sanjiv Jaiswal and movie will be of 120minutes. We all know we can’t express the pain and suffering of Dalits in 2hours movie but still I believe it’s an ideal runtime for a movie and it will be advantageous.

Movie: “Shudra- The Rising?” Poster

A bit of storyline:

Movie is based on story of 250million people born as untouchables (and today’s Dalits) in Hindu caste system and subjected to humiliation and slavery since ancient times. When aryans came to India with the intention of looting, they enslaved the peace loving natives. Manu – Hindu guru – imposed laws on untouchables and barred them from reading, writing and listening holy mantras. Natives were treated less than human, impure, unclean and were forced to do menial jobs.

Read also:  [PDF] Writings & Speeches of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in English

In the movie you will see, Shudra denied water, (Dalits still fight for such rights) a Shudra child’s nose chopped off for chanting mantras, (Dalits are still not allowed to enter many temples in India), a pregnant Shudra women forced to sleep with upper caste people (Dalit women still are raped on Day to day basis in India) and many more heart touching scenes – the only crime of theirs – they are born untouchables.  Movie seems to be based on real events, if not real I bet, you might have heard such incidents once in a while in your life-time. It is believed that nature took ages to make man out of animal, but it took moments for certain men to make their fellow human animal again. “Shudra – The Rising?” highlights the depth that evil human mind can succumb, to cling on to power and supremacy.

Recently, the “Shudra – The Rising?” team has received screening Invitation for “Shudra – The Rising?” from South Asian Film Festival which will take place June 13-17, 2012, in Vancouver, and in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.

Read also:  Join "All India Ambedkarite Social Work Professionals' Conclave" 2019, Nagpur

My best wishes to the team

I strongly believe that movies on social issues should be made and given more emphasis. Sanjiv Jaiswal has chosen an important issue of caste discrimination, which has ruined millions lives and hopes. After watching trailers of movie, I can say that it’s a sincere effort by the team to put forward the caravan of Dr Ambedkar. I wish the team a grand success!

P.S.: Movie is going to release in Feb. 2012 and you can visit the movie site at http://www.shudrathefilm.com for latest updates. You can also follow producer and director – Sanjiv Jaiswal – on twitter at @sanjivjaiswal and join the facebook page of the movie at http://www.facebook.com/pages/SHUDRA-the-rising/102558246496607

Movie trailer (in Hindi)


Movie trailer (in English)


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  1. 4
    niraj gautam

    pahle brahmno ne hmko shudra bnaya ab hm apas me hi ek dusre ko shudra bna rhe hain, kisike kahne se hm shudra ho gye kya hm is desh k mulvansaj hain, ye desh hmara h hm yaha k uttaradhikari hai, baki sb hmare desh ki kha rhe h…apne aap ko pehchano aur dusro ko b btao k tm shudra nhi yaha k waarish ho…

  2. 7
    sonkamble babasaheb.

    Ha sinema lokamadhil foot padnara nasun sarv bhahujanana yektra karnara aani bhahujanasathi aatmvishvas aahe.jya brahamnani mansa mansa madhe foot padli aani tyana tuchy samajle te manjech shudra jya shudrana vait vagnuk dili aasha brahmanacha aata tyanacha bimod karnyasathi aase ualekhniy sinema marfat janjagrati keli pahije aani samajala yektra kel pahije.

  3. 9

    HINDU society is degrading so fast because of culture from West. Indian people have started thinking that wearing short cloths, having live-in-relationships is modern. Instead, modernism is getting education for both boys and girls, empowering our next generation so that no one can take advantage of them.Parents are not bringing up their kids properly. Look at number of rapes. I would blame parenting, bollywood,politicians.People in India think that White people don’t discriminate. Go to any Europeon countries, australia or US, you will feel like second class citizen. Wake up loser HINDUS. stop fighting among yourselves on the basis of fake caste system. It was supposed to be flexible VARNA to explain divisions in society based on wealth/work not permanent caste based on birth.It is
    So bad that Neither do so called upper castes nor do so called lower castes are following the teachings of their gurus. Sikhism was started to abolish caste system now they have separate gurudwaras for Jatts, ramgarhia,majhabi sikh,valmiki.
    you loser HINDUS, look at your faces in the mirror, don’t all of us look alike.
    Hindus are such losers, they still kill each other if someone marries with in a village, between rajput and gujjars etc …When will you learn ? Save your civilization. it is getting destroyed by Islam and Christianization. Can our god be white Jesus or Arabian mohammad.
    Sonia gandhi and congress party looted $200 billion in last 8years since 2004 which is almost $200 per person. Think of a poor family of four who is deprived of Rs 50000 because of congress party. India could have become like China if there was no congress party. Not all so called upper caste or lower caste people are bad. It is part of your psychology, get rid of it. Gandhi was sleeping with his own niece grand-daughter. Nehru’s was a womanizer and corrupt politican who had Neta ji Bose killed to become PM of independent india.

  4. 11
    Harmesh Lakha

    Absolutely correct Shudras were the fourth varna, todays obc’s, who constitute 52% of India population (Mandal Commission Report), the sleeping people of India. They were the servants of the the varnas above them. The dalits or the untouchable, the ‘fifth varna’, the outcasted people , were the population outside the caste system have woken up. Rise up shudras. The obc are those who are not brahmins, takhurs/kshatriya or vaishas/banias. Watch out you so called high castes when shudras wakes up they will join with dalits and destroy the system which has kept them down trodden for too long. You have had your fun now it will be our turn.The high castes will be pushed back into the sea along with the the Brahminical/manuwadi system and only then the Indian will be truly free and free from the caste system from which the high castes benefited but enslaved and victamized the shudra and the ati-shudras. Then we will reconstruct India according to the dream of the ARCHITECT OF MODERN INDIA – DR BR AMBEDKAR. Ambedkar ji the shudras and dalits solute you as our father and saviour. GANDHI REPRESENTS OLD INDIA who BELIEVED IN THE OPPRESSIVE CASTE SYSTEM and its ‘Ram Raj’. It was in the Ram Raj that a shudra by the name of shambuk was killed by Ram Chandra because the Brahmins complained to Ram Chandra for breaking caste rules that forbade shudras the right to religious worship of God (RAMAYAN by Valmiki). Gandhi IS THE EMBODIMENT OF MANU. The revolution has started and will gather pace as more more wake up. It was Manu who said in Manusimriti chapter 8 verse 418 that the caste duty should be forced on the shudras otherwise they will shake the world ie destroy the system (Brahminism) the Brahmins had created. Now shudras are sleeping giants who will rise up’ and do that.

  5. 12
    Rajesh Holkar

    I strongly believe that movies on social issues should be made and given more emphasis. Sanjiv Jaiswal sir, has chosen an important issue of caste discrimination, which has ruined millions lives and hopes. After watching trailers of movie, I can say that it’s a sincere effort by the team to put forward the caravan of Dr Ambedkar. I wish the team a grand success!

  6. 14
    shashikant naraya more

    caste system is the roji roti for brahmins and only for that they made caste systedm between human without caste system brahmins are food less and for that only they keep away from education to all humans expectst brahmins alone

  7. 15
    Kamal Sagar

    Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar the One an Only Hero of India. Jisne Cast system ki esi ki tesi kar di..Thanks alot for doing the great job for us… you are our real God..coz I don’t believe in any religion my religion is Humanity…Jai Bheem….

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