Murdering Dalit Students!


Here is the list of the Dalit students who have committed suicide in last four years. This is by no means an exhaustive list but covers only those cases which we were able to document and where parents and relatives have raised their voices and had accused the institutions of caste discrimination against their children that led to their suicides.

We are sure that the actual numbers of Dalit students committing suicide in country’s premier institutions in last four years will be much higher.

• M. Shrikant, final year, B.Tech, IIT Bombay, 1st Jan 07

• Ajay S. Chandra, integrated PhD, Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bangalore – 26 Aug, 07

• Jaspreet Singh, final year MBBS, Government Medical College, Chandigarh, 27 Jan 08.

• Senthil Kumar, PHD, School of Physics, University of Hyderabad – 23 Feb 08

 Prashant Kureel, first year, B.Tech, IIT Kanpur, 19 April, 08

Read also:  19th February in Dalit History - Birth Anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj

• G. Suman, final year, M.Tech, IIT Kanpur, 2nd Jan, 09

• Ankita Veghda, first year, BSc Nursing, Singhi Institute of Nursing, Ahmedabad, 20 April, 09

• D Syam Kumar, first year B.Tech, Sarojini Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada, 13 Aug, 09

• S. Amravathi, national level young woman boxer, Centre of Excellence, Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, 4th Nov, 09

• Bandi Anusha, B.Com final year, Villa Mary College, Hyderabad, 5th Nov, 09

• Pushpanjali Poorty, first year, MBA, Visvesvaraiah Technological University, Bangalore, 30th Jan, 10

• Sushil Kumar Chaudhary, final year MBBS, Chattrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University (formerly KGMC), Lucknow, 31 Jan, 10.

• Balmukund Bharti, final year MBBS, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, 3rd March, 10

• JK Ramesh, second year, BSc, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 1st July, 10

• Madhuri Sale, final year B.Tech, IIT Kanpur, 17th November, 10

• G. Varalakshmi, B.Tech first year, Vignan Engineering College, Hyderabad, 30 Jan, 2011

Read also:  The Indian Muslims and Social Justice

• Manish Kumar, IIIrd Year B.Tech, IIT Roorkee, 13 Feb, 11

• Linesh Mohan Gawle, PhD, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, 16 April, 11

For more detail, please visit:  The Death of Merit 

Also check out the documentary named The Death of Merit

The Hindu newspaper covered this story on 08/05/11,

In Dalit student suicides, the death of merit

He killed himself in his college library, unable to bear the insults and taunts. The suicide note recovered from his coat pocket charged his Head of the Department (HOD) with deliberately failing him and threatening to fail him over and over. Seven months later, a three-member group of senior professors re-evaluated his answer sheet and found that he had in fact passed the test.

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  1. 2

    dalitha students sucide attempts very bad,parents inject socialawarness,mentel strength about manu cultured events in some institutions,take action particulor head of institution,implement sc,st atroccites act,agitation startingabove insidents

  2. 3

    I feel very sad while looking the list.Dear dalit brothers and sister ,Please donot committ sucide ,try to killl the enemy first so other hindus will not dare to do atrocities in of the my senior brought the professor in line because he was failing that guy in biochemistry only for 3 year even biochemistry was not main he become mentally upset and he consulted the Psychieatrist who prescribe some medicine .He took the gun in one hand and prescription in other hand and grabbed the Professor by collor to throw him from third floor roof.he started begging for life so please have a faith in Dr Ambedkar who fought these barbaric hindus alone ,at least we are about 120 million population.

  3. 4

    why sucide? to end our life at our hand is not the solution. Buddhism does not say blindly to stick to Ahimsa. If somebody is making ur life miserable then u don’t hesitate, kill him, atleast other will fear to harass or repeat the event.

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