Rare Photo of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar at Bhima Koregaon


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar used to visit Bhima Koregaon every year on 1st January to pay homage to the untouchable soldiers and to exhort Dalits to show similar courage and determination to end brahminism from the entire country.

Please visit Bhima Koregaon Vijay Stambh, Pune to pay homage to brave Dalit soldiers.


“Who were these people who joined the army of the East India Company and helped the British to conquer India? …the people who joined the Army of the East India Company were the Untouchables of India. The men who fought with Clive in the battle of Plassey were the Dusads, and the Dusads are Untouchables. The men who fought in the battle of Koregaon were the Mahars, and the Mahars are Untouchables. Thus, in the first battle and the last battle (1757-1818) it was the Untouchables who fought on the side of the British and helped them conquer India. The truth of this was admitted by the Marquess of Tweeddale in his note to the Peel Commission which was appointed in 1859 to report on the reorganisation of the Indian Army.” – Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

Read also:  Some Important Facts Relating To The Life Of Satguru Ravidass Maharaj

Check also –  1st January,1818: The Battle of Bhima Koregaon

Watch Trailer – Upcoming movie – 500 : A Battle of Koregaon

Read also – Upcoming movie: 500 The Battle of Koregaon

Upcoming Movie –500 – The Battle of Bhima Koregaon

Read also – 1st January 1818 – The day we defeated Brahmins

Check also – 1st January – Remembering Heroes of Battle Bhima Koregaon

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    ranjan kumar

    its obvious that since the untouchables were suffering the atrocities meted out by the upper caste rulers/priests were not treating them as humans, thus the untouchable mahars and others had no option but to grab the first opportunity to proove their bravery.i hope the RSS realises as to , how diificult it is to unite all indians in a single platform. unless and untill the caste system is not eradicated entirely its only a far away dream to build a modern India, where the only equal opportunity which will matter for each and every indian

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